Today i took so so many pictures, so expect for writing alot i will just post all of my pictures. You'll find the details of the sheep avi at the bottom of the post, i picked up the avatar yesterday right after it was released. Ive been waiting for this avatar for awhile. And its so adorable. So how could i not buy it. Someone even commented " now you won't be little moe rabbit anymore, lol you'll be little moe sheep hehe "
♥ My heart belongs to both rabbits and lambs really.
so i guess i will end up being both? teehee.
enjoy ♥
Hime Kanto is posing for the camera ♥
when you have been exploring all day , you have to sit down sometime right?
" Baa " this is me teehee
Hime photobombed me lol ♥
It was so pretty in the end tho ♥
a picture from inside this house i was looking at, i really liked the mirror that said " I am beautiful :) "
Me again~
It was raining , so i had to take out the umbrella really~
More rain!! but its nice with rain sometimes, as hime said " its sunny EVERYWHERE in SL "
more rain~
Picture taken by Hime, lol :X i photobombed her in the end. with my ass.
shy sheep avatar can be bought at *DP* YumYum
+tune of the post+
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